martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

English Languages Challenges

Well, I didn't like this class very much, but is not because of the subjects or anything like that, it's because I had a lot of classes this semester and I got a job, so I was kind of busy and I couldn't pay attention or focus in this class.
I also already know some english, I came from a school that demanded me to learn english from a very young age, but when I have evaluations I get really nervous, so I can't prove that I kind of know something about english already. I mean, I'm not the best english speaker in the world, but I can manage the use of english in my career.
I think I have to improve in my speaking, because is a part of inglish that I can't practise every day, like I can with listening and reading, in fact, I have to read papers and texts in english because my career demands it.
I use english a lot, like I said before, I have to read in english for the majority of my classes, because the investigations are written in english in order to be published in  prestigious cientific magazines that are internationally recognized. I also use english to watch new episodes of tv shows that are not translated to spanish yet, or some movies that their translation to spanish is not very good.
I guess I can practise my speaking talking to someone in english, but I think that's kind of a weird thing to do, specially because I have no one to talk to in english.