I am a second year student of Antropology in Universidad de Chile.
My career has two "periods" of courses, the first two years all the class has to take the same courses, and then in the third year we have to choose a major to specialize in. There are three options, social antropology, archeology and biological antropology. The first two years are supposted to give a common knowledge for all the students, it's also supposted to give some introduction to the three specialities.
In this two years I coursed in this university, I have noticed some things I would like to change in the curriculum. The principal problem that I see in tje curriculum is that the objectiive of the first two years is to introduce us to our major, but in reality all the classes (or most of them) are only useful to the students that are going to specialize in social antropology, there are a couple classes that are useful to archeologists, so they are not really left out, but there are almost no classes that can be useful for biological antropologists. Im in the second semester of my second year in this university and I want to take my major in biological antropology, but I feel like im going totally unprepeared to the major, because I have barely had classes of this area in two years. Two years!
In adition to that, we have to take classes in the faculty of medicine, because here there are no enough facilities for biological antropologists to work in, so I guess the university is not really prepeared to give a good education to the people taking this major.