martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

Election Day

Today I'm going to talk about the upcommig elections. I'm probably not going to vote, the reason why is that I don't know what are we suppose to vote now, and even if I kew, I won't vote either, because all the piliticians are basically the same, they don't represent us in any way. The majority of them are just lookig for making money out of being in a position of power. Another reason I'm not goig to vote, is because where I live it's obvious that RN is going to win, I live in a nice but not fancy neighbourhood in a very fancy district, wich is kown for very specyfic political tendencies.

I hate electoral campaigns because of basically two reasons. The first is that they use a lot of money that could be used to improve social services, like public hospitals or schools, but no, they use all that money to put their gigant faces all over the city, wastig money and resources like paper, wood and other stuff just to be thrown in the garbage after, causing a bad impact in the enviroment. The second one is that the politicians usually only appear to do somethig in the period of the electoral campaigns, but throughout the course of the year I don't see anythig being done, or even their faces, excluding some news about corrupted politicians in facebook.

The qualities that a person should have to run for a public position are essentially knowing how to handle people, not being a dishonest person, preach for the well being of the people and no for the high society, and having the real support of at least half of all the citizens, not just half of the ones that are going to vote.

I have never considered becoming a politician, I hate burocracy and I don't know anythig about handeling people, and even if I did, I think nobody would vote for me, because I am not really the stereotype of a politician.

I really don't like the electoral campaign in my district, it's obvious who is going to win, some members of my family are only going to vote because they want to show that Lavin is not the "king" of my district, but I really thik is not worth it to get up early just to see the same people win again. All I see is nothing but giant faces with empy promises.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Carlangas
    follow me ;)

  2. I too thing that all the candidates are more of the same. I hope that someday any candidate can to do the difference
